I know everybody hates on 4E, but 4E had/has a pretty neat way of clearly indicating this exact same thing (i e. damage multiples) by using "W" as weapon damage and then 2W/3W/4W etc. as a multiple of that damage. So, for example, if your weapon damage was 2d8, then a power that caused 1W damage would inflict 2d8 points, whereas 2W would be 4d8, etc. I think the confusion in this case is using the nomenclature "d", which is confusing since "d" usually indicates die type. In any case, not a big deal either way, but just a little easier to follow.
Fan of Flames, Improved Damage (1): Blast, 2d4 damage per level (44), maximum 1d damage (×0.1), selective targeting with area of effect (x3), elemental - fire (x1), target 40’ long x 20’ wide cone (x3.25), range 0’ (×0.4), duration instant (×1), save for half spell effect (×.75), arcane (×1), total cost 12.87
Wouldn't this one turn the damage to 1d4 due to the limitation?
Yes, truth be told, I only picked up the 4E rule books on eBay couple of months ago and started reading through them. All I had heard for years was everybody bitching online about how craptacular 4E was and, after reading through the books, I thought the core rules are actually pretty solid. There's a couple of hinky things, like DC's escalating with character level, as well as the general "overpoweredness" of the system, but nothing that can't be fixed with a couple of judicious house rules.
I know everybody hates on 4E, but 4E had/has a pretty neat way of clearly indicating this exact same thing (i e. damage multiples) by using "W" as weapon damage and then 2W/3W/4W etc. as a multiple of that damage. So, for example, if your weapon damage was 2d8, then a power that caused 1W damage would inflict 2d8 points, whereas 2W would be 4d8, etc. I think the confusion in this case is using the nomenclature "d", which is confusing since "d" usually indicates die type. In any case, not a big deal either way, but just a little easier to follow.
Just one of the ways that 4E was a very decent game that is unappreciated.
Fan of Flames, Improved Damage (1): Blast, 2d4 damage per level (44), maximum 1d damage (×0.1), selective targeting with area of effect (x3), elemental - fire (x1), target 40’ long x 20’ wide cone (x3.25), range 0’ (×0.4), duration instant (×1), save for half spell effect (×.75), arcane (×1), total cost 12.87
Wouldn't this one turn the damage to 1d4 due to the limitation?
The max 1d of damage is meant to be one set, so to speak per level, so 2d4 is 1d as 1d8 is 1d for the formula.
Yes, truth be told, I only picked up the 4E rule books on eBay couple of months ago and started reading through them. All I had heard for years was everybody bitching online about how craptacular 4E was and, after reading through the books, I thought the core rules are actually pretty solid. There's a couple of hinky things, like DC's escalating with character level, as well as the general "overpoweredness" of the system, but nothing that can't be fixed with a couple of judicious house rules.
Very true. The biggest issue that I had with 4E is that you had to bolt the roleplaying on. It was very much a D&D tactical combat system.